MSc project proposal: Automatic categorisation of plant images
Imperial Computing Science MSc Group Project Proposal, November 2013
The ultimate aim is to produce a smart phone application which can automatically identify a plant from a photo. One use case is some one who is out on a walk and wants to know the identity of a plant (specifically: my 2 yearold daughter keeps asking me to identify trees but I'm useless at it and existing tree identification apps are slow and laborious to use!). Another use case is a farmer who wants to know the identity of a strange new weed. One of the ultimate aims is to encourage a greater enthusiasm and curiosity for the natural world.

There is an international plant image classification competition called "PlantCLEF 2014" which you could enter if you feel confident about your image classification system! They provide a large, labelled dataset of images.
Learning algorithms
You'd be free to choose any image classification approach you want. The help to give you a feel for what the options are, let me give a very quick intro to image classification:
There are typically at least two stages to an image classification system: first "features" (edges, corners, blobs etc) are detected in the image and then these features are passed to a classification algorithm.
Feature extraction
There are two main approaches to feature extraction: either hand-craft your feature detectors or build a system which can automatically learn which features to extract.
Hand-crafted feature detectors
You could either build your own feature detectors from scratch (which might be fun but would carry some risk: it's remarkably hard to build robust feature detectors!) or choose from the wide array of feature detectors described in the literature. For a quick intro to hand-built feature detectors, see the Wikipedia page on feature detection (computer vision) and also see this 30-minute video tutorial from the 2013 PyData conference on using Python to extract features from images.
Automatic feature learning
The alternative to hand-building feature detectors is to build a system which can automatically learn which features to detect.
Before considering how to do this on a computer, let's briefly consider the best object classification system we know of: the brain. Does our genome define separate feature detectors for speech, faces, plants, tools, animals etc? The answer is almost certainly "no"! What evidence is there? Firstly, the human genome only contains about 20,000 protein-coding genes. Even if we include the non-protein-coding regulatory DNA sequences, there is still far too little information in the genome to specify lots of different learning algorithms. And there are rather gory neuroscience experiments where the optic nerve of rodents has been re-routed at birth to feed into the auditory cortex. After a short while the "auditory cortex" of the brain has magically learnt to do sight (e.g. see Sharma et al 2000). One interpretation of this is that the brain automatically learns to extract features from the input data.
In the context of computer vision, automatic feature learning has several advantages over hand-built feature detectors. First, the system should find the most useful features to extract (whilst with hand-built feature detectors, you are making a subjective judgement about which features you think are best). Secondly, you don't need to go through months or years of R&D to build each new feature detector! Thirdly, automatic feature learning can be done in a completely unsupervised fashion. For example, you could get as many unlabelled plant images as possible (e.g. from flickr / google image search) and feed these to your system and it will automatically figure out which features to extract. How does it do this? It's basically trying to find the most compact representation for the data.
There are several ways to do automatic feature learning on a computer and they mostly come under the banner of "deep learning" (this is a poorly defined term but it pretty much means a large artificial neural network with multiple hidden layers). At the time of writing, deep learning appears to be a very effective technology for image classification. For example, here are some recent successes:
- Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton 2012 won the 2012 ImageNet "Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge" by a wide margin using a deep neural network trained on two GPUs. Their cuda-convnet code is online and has been forked to include a state-of-the-art technique called "dropout".
- Matt Zeiler's "Clarifai" deep learning system won the 2013 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge on the classification task (with 1000 categories). Also take a look at Yann LeCun's comments on the competition. More details of the approaches used in LSVRC 2013 should be released after the LSVRC2013 workshop on the 7th Dec 2013.
- Since 2009, Jürgen Schmidhuber's deep learning lab have won 9 first prizes in highly competitive international visual pattern recognition contests including MICCAI 2013 Grand Challenge on Mitosis Detection, IJCNN 2011 Traffic Sign Recognition Competition (only their method achieved superhuman results), ICDAR 2011 offline Chinese Handwriting Competition.
- Deep learning approaches are also doing very well at speech recognition (e.g. see Hinton et al 2012), sentiment analysis, multi-task learning, language translation etc etc...
You could also try to exploit "non-image" data like the geographical location and time of year.
Learning about deep neural nets
- This video gives quite a quick (45 minute) overview of "deep learning" and automatic feature learning: Andrew Ng: Deep Learning, Self-Taught Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning
- Prof Geoffrey Hinton's Coursera course on "Neural Networks for Machine Learning" is still available.
- Yoshua Bengio, Learning Deep Architectures for AI, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2(1), 2009
- Yann LeCun, Koray Kavukcuoglu, and Clément Farabet. "Convolutional networks and applications in vision." Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2010.
- The Deep Learning Community on Google Plus is worth following in order to get an informal feel for the state of the art.
- "Neural Networks and Deep Learning Book Project"
- "Special Section on Learning Deep Architectures" in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Issue 8, August 2013
Open source tools for deep learning
Deep neural networks are computationally very expensive (especially during training), hence it will almost certainly be necessary to run the net on a desktop computer with a fast GPU. GPU programming is notoriously tricky. But don't worry; you won't have to write frightening GPGPU code directly like Alex Krizhevsky did with his cuda-convnet (unless you want to!). Instead, a Python tool called Theano abstracts the implementation details away. You just write Python; then Theano does all the hard work of running that code on a GPU, and is surprisingly fast. Here's a 20 minute video intro to Theano. Building further on top of Theano (and making your life easier still) is the PyLearn2 library which allows you to specify deep learning networks with a relatively minuscule amount of code.
Software for doing deep learning
- Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet (and see Daniel Nouri's fork of cuda-convnet which includes dropout)
- PyLearn2 (which includes a wrapper for cuda-convnet)
- deepnet GPU-based python implementation of some deep learning algorithms (which wraps cuda-convnet)
- Hebel doesn't (yet) include convolutional neural networks (discussion on G+)
Software for doing fast numeric computation
- Theano
- Torch7 - "Torch7 is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and provides a very efficient implementation, thanks to an easy and fast scripting language, LuaJIT, and an underlying C implementation."
- gnumpy (which wraps CUDAMat)
"Quick start"
Whilst Theano and PyLearn2 are probably a great approach if you want a lot of control over your deep learning system, the fastest way to get started (i.e. requiring the least amount of coding and minimal understanding of the theory) is probably to dive straight in and use Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet code (or Daniel Nouri's fork which implements dropout). This is the system which won the 2012 ImageNet "Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge".
So one way to get started fairly quickly with the image classification aspect of the project would be to:
- Collect lots and lots of labelled images of plants
- Throw all these images at cuda-convenet and see how well it can do (I could be wrong but I think cuda-convent needs labelled training data)
- Examine the learnt network to try to figure out what worked well and what didn't
- If you still have time, maybe try implementing a suitable network using Theano / PyLearn2 that you can pre-train with loads of unlabelled images and then fine-tune the training with labelled images.
Plant image datasets
Learning algorithms in general, and especially deep neural nets, like having huge training datasets. Some sources of data might include:
- The "PlantCLEF 2014" competition provide a large dataset
- ImageNet is a huge database of all sorts of images, including lots of plants and trees.
- The UK's Natural History Museum probably have a large dataset. You could try writing to them to ask if they'd be interested in collaborating. They probably would, given projects like their "urban tree survey" where they want people to identify as many trees as possible.
- wageningenur provide a list of tree image databases.
- wikimedia commons
- flickr
- Google image search (!)
Existing plant recognition approaches
- This PDF describes the approaches used in the 2013 ImageCLEF 2013 Plant Identification Task. It appears that all teams used "hand-coded" feature detectors. Machine Learning pioneers like Andrew Ng would say that manual feature extraction is not as good as automated feature learning (which is one of the big advantages of deep neural nets: they automatically figure out which features to extract!)
- leafsnap is an iOS app with very similar aims to this project. It gets an average of 2 stars with reviews like "Unfortunately the database is US only. Many of the wonderful trees I have around me here in England are missing." Despite these reviews, it has been downloaded about 1 million times, and apparently does achieve state of the art performance. The project was described in this paper and they are planning to release their dataset and code (although neither are available at the time of writing).
- The UK's National History Museum have a "tree identification key" for manually classifying trees.
Access to a fast GPU
CSG have very kindly said that we can use two workstations with fast GPUs for the plant recogniser project: graphic01 and/or graphic02. Each is dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu Linux and each has a modern, very fast GPU (the nVidia GTX780; capable of almost 4TFLOPS on 32-bit floats (the acronym 'TFLOP' means 1012 FLoating-point Operations Per Second). This level of performance would have put a single GTX780 at the top of the supercomputer Top500 list in 1999!) the other specs of the workstations are listed on CSG's Workstations page.
Project scope
This proposal is just a hand-wavey proposal; you certainly wouldn't have to implement an entire smart phone application utilising cutting edge machine learning techniques. For example, if you wanted, you could drop the smart phone part of the project and focus on "just" getting a desktop computer to recognise plant images. The precise specification of the project will be defined in "Report One", due on the 31st Jan. We can tailor the project to your group's interests. And, of course, no one will expect you to produce a really high performing plant recogniser in a single term! You just need to give it your best shot (and try to have fun with it!)
Aspects of the project
If there are members of your team who want to focus on non-ML aspects then here are some ideas for non-ML things to do on this project, if you wanted:
Building a complete smart phone plant recogniser app will require are at least three or four components: the phone app; the server; the 'plant categoriser'; acquiring and pre-processing training materials. The basic idea is that a smart phone probably doesn't have sufficient processing power to do the image classification on the phone (at least, not without very time-consuming optimisation of your code; and possibly running your code on the phone's GPU) so you'll probably need to do the image classification on a server.
Here are some brief hand-wavey ideas about each component. Just to emphasise: the list below is just to give you a feel for the project; you can completely ignore this list if you have better ideas!
The phone app
- Let user take several photos, then the user selects 1 or more "good" images to upload to the plant recognition server
- When the server responds, display the top 5 (?) answers with confidences for each answer. The user can then select the correct answer (this feedback could then be used to refine the classification engine).
- Let the user click on each answer to find out more about that plant. This data could be sourced from Wikipedia or, perhaps, from the Natural History Museum.
- Integrate with Siri / Google Voice? e.g. the user just takes a photo of a tree and then asks the phone "what fruit does this tree produce?"
- Could you do the whole app as an HTML5 app so that it can run on any (modern) platform? HTML5 has a Camera API. If you do the smart phone app as a native app (rather than HTML5) then maybe also consider building an HTML5 app so folks can use the classifier though a desktop computer.
- Record geographical location and date with each image. Perhaps the image classifier will be able to use this information to refine its classifications. Have a setting in the app to disable the recording of geo location, just in case some users are nervous about uploading their geo location. Could also record compass heading, tilt and focus distance (if available) to allow the precise location of the plant to be estimated (as distinct from the location of the phone).
- Depending on how your image classification system works, the app might need to guide the user to photograph close-ups of the leaves, bark, seeds etc. Or perhaps the user would first take a single photo of the whole plant and then, if the classifier fails to get a confident match, the system would guide the user to take close ups to give the classification system more data to work with.
- Of course, the app will need to be able to communicate with your server and will need to fail gracefully when there are network issues. Don't leave your users staring and a frozen screen for ages! Just a simple progress bar can make the wait much less frustrating for your users.
- Maybe the user could save a list of favourite plants, and view their favourite plants on a map.
- Integrate with twitter. e.g. add a button to tweet "I just found <plant name> in <location> using <name of app>."
- I'm not certain but I think that, if you're starting from scratch, it may be easier to start developing for Android rather than iOS (iOS is thoroughly locked down). Could be wrong though.
The server
- The core functionality is to receive images from smart phone / web clients, pass these images to your classification engine, and then send the output of the classification engine to the correct client. It must fail gracefully if the classification engine fails to return an answer. The classification engine may run on a different computer (e.g. a computer with a fast GPU).
- The server will need to implement a 'job queue'; and it should probably be able to spread the load across multiple classification engines each running on a different machine (what happens if your app becomes so popular that a single classification engine can't keep up with demand?!) Maybe the server should respond immediately to each request with an "estimated wait time" so users can be informed if there is a long wait before the classification engine becomes available for their job.
- Use classification results to crowd-source a map of plants (the Natural History Museum might want to integrate this into their "Urban tree survey"). Perhaps use OpenStreeMap. You'll need to estimate the exact location of each plant so you can attempt to protect yourselves from counting a plant multiple times if multiple users photograph the same plant. Perhaps allow users to annotate plants (e.g. "this tree looks like it is diseased"). Maybe allow users to annotate individual photos of a plant (e.g. "close up of brids' nest found in this tree"). If you do find multiple users taking photos of the same plant then keep all those photos so you can then keep a photographic "history" of the plant.
The classification engine
- Train just one classifier to do whole plant and leaves and seeds and bark? Or use separate classifiers for each segment of a plant? If you use separate classifiers, will the user have to label each photo as "leaves", "seed" etc? Or could you train a classifier to do automatic segmentation (e.g. see Farabet at al 2013)?
- If using deep learning techniques, would you do unsupervised pre-training (which would allow you to use unlabelled images during pre-training) or train the whole net in a supervised fashion (which may be appropriate if you have enough labelled examples and should probably be the first thing you try)
- Could you take advantage of the geographical location and season to refine your hypotheses? If so, would this be done by feeding this information into your image classifier (e.g. if you used neural nets then perhaps you could have simple "date" and "geo location" inputs which connect to the upper layers?) Or perhaps it would make more sense to use Bayesian statistics to combine evidence from your classifier with prior knowledge about the geographical and temporal distribution of plants. Update your priors when new successful classifications are made.
- If the user provides feedback (e.g. "this is the correct answer") then could you exploit that information?
- If the user takes multiple images of the same plant then how best to use these multiple images to come up with a good answer? Maybe just run each image through your classifier and then return the "majority vote"?
- Maybe try to train your classifier on phylogenetic data so it can make sensible guesses when it doesn't know the exact answer. This is known as "transfer learning". I believe the basic idea is that you pre-train a deep neural network in an unsupervised fashion on phylogenetic data (so it learns relationships between plants) and then you plug in a new lower set of input layers to map from image data to these pre-learnt representations. e.g. see section "2.4 Multitask and Transfer Learning" in Bengio at al 2013.
- experiment with multiple ML techniques
Acquiring and pre-processing training images
- scrape the plant image datasets listed above for images of plants (if you use deep learning with unsupervised pre-training then the images don't all have to be labelled). Lots of scope to parallelise this scraping and run it on multiple DoC machines so you can suck in millions of images.
- Extract dates and location from the EXIF metadata in the images to produce priors for geographical and temporal distributions.
- There are lots of tricks to process your training images to effectively produce an even larger training set. e.g. horizontally flip images, crop, zoom, rotate a little, change brightness and contrast a little, add occlusions.
- Maybe get phylogenetic / geographical distribution / temporal distribution data from DBpedia. I believe the ImageCLEF dataset also has geo location data.
Just to emphasise: you are certainly not expected to implement all these ideas! It would take years to implement all these features! I only mention them to give a feel for the potential breadth of the project, if breadth is what you want (but, of course, be aware that Spring term will fly past and you should keep your group project specification as simple as possible).
Risks and benefits of this project
It is important to point out that MSc group projects aren't marked on your ability to implement bleeding-edge computer science. For example, the "Best MSc Computing Project" from Spring 2012 was a lovely new website for a local doctors' surgery. If your aim is to maximise your chance of winning "best project" whilst minimising your effort then embarking on a project which makes use of bleeding-edge tools and techniques carries some risk! We must also point out that neither supervisor on this project does computer vision research as their 'day job' (although Dr Knottenbelt did do some research on South African flora in the 1990s!). But Jack will be using Deep Learning techniques for his PhD in Spring; and will do all he can to help you... but you do need to be aware that you will quickly become the department's experts (possibly even the world's experts) in using computer vision for recognising plants; and hence you will need to be comfortable with being pioneers ;).
But there are real benefits of the project. For starters, you have a real chance of building a system which can compete very favourably in the "PlantCLEF 2014" competition; and it's very rare for MSc groups projects to have a chance of competing in international competitions. Secondly, "deep learning" is a topic which a lot of people are excited about (including Google, Facebook etc) but very few people have hands-on experience with the technique; so if you want to do research or get a job in machine learning then a project on deep learning should look attractive to employers and academics. Also, whilst it is true that machine learning can become terrifyingly mathsy, it is also the case that image classification is a very popular application of ML in general and deep learning in particular, so there are lots of papers and quite a lot of code that you can use (i.e. you can take existing approaches and re-use them without having to understand the innards really well). Also, there is great scope to turn this project into a successful app; the demand for such as app is demonstrated by the fact that the leafsnap app was downloaded "almost a million times" as of 2012. And, finally, the project should be fun! (if you get excited by using cutting edge techniques to build a system which has a good shot at doing object recognition almost as well as a human)
Running multiple groups on this project / alternative image classification challenges
If lots of groups are interested in this project then we may consider running more than one group on this project (up to a maximum of two or three groups at a real push). If everyone wants to then you could compete directly; perhaps using different machine learning techniques. Or you could collaborate in some way (e.g. split the project up). Or groups could target different image classification challenges (I think this option would be my preference. One advantage of going this route is that groups could help each other out more on the image classification techniques. And, of course, each group would have the potential to have a greater impact on the target problem domain.). There are lots of other object classification tasks ripe for innovation. e.g. classifying microscope images of blood cells as either "healthy" or "malaria-infected". (A research group at UCLA recently built a "gamified" solution to this problem:)

Yet more details
I have been having email conversations with groups about this project. To make sure that all groups have access to the same information, I'll put even more info about this project here.