date | May 2006 |
type | short film |
director | Jonathan Stewart - DeFusion Films |
origination format | Super-16mm |
camera | Arri SR3 |
post-production format | 720/25p uncompressed RGB (10-bit log datacine DDR) |
my roles | co-produce, organise the post-production, co-edit & co-grade |
project website (including trailer) | MirrorsTheFilm.com |

Post-production workflow
- Super-16mm developed at Technicolor
- Scanned at Midnight Transfer on a Spirit 4k
- Scanned at 1920×1080
- Downconverted to 1028×720 on a clipster @ Midnight Transfer (we had to downconvert because we didn’t have enough storage space for the full 80 minutes of footage at 1920×1080)
- Transfered onto 2×250GB USB2 hard disks as DPX files
- Imported into After Effects 7 Pro and converted to DV for off-line edit
- Off-line edit done in Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
- Edit imported back into After Effects and the DV clips were manually replaced with the DPX files
- Graded using Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse