Getting the Linux 1-wire file system owfs to work
I followed the installation instructions on the Ubuntu wiki but got stuck on the line where we try to get owfs to talk to the 1-wire network. This worked for me:
sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owfs u -m /var/lib/1wire
I have a Dallas Semiconductor DS1490F 2-in-1 Fob, 1-Wire adapter. Also, after installing, I found that the Navitron forum has a discussion on owfs.
All I want to be able to do is log temperature data to a text file. I think I’ll write a simple C++ app to log the temperature data to a text file and then use gnuplot to plot graphs.
In Python, I found I was getting the following error:
>>> import ow
>>> ow.init('u')
DEFAULT: ow_ds9490.c:(255) Unclear what <> means in USB specification,
will use first adapter.
DEFAULT: owlib.c:(201) Cannot open USB bus master
DEFAULT: owlib.c:(54) No valid 1-wire buses found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ow/", line 224, in init
raise exNoController
This turned out to be a permissions issue. Running python as sudo fixed
the problem, but this clearly isn’t a good solution. Luckily, a kind
person gave a guide on how to make the 1-wire USB adapter usable for
non-root users. I
modified the file very slightly. All you have to do is to create a file
called /etc/udev/rules.d/owfs.rules
which looks something like this:
SUBSYSTEM!="usb_device", ACTION!="add", GOTO="owfs_rules_end"
# DS2490 1-Wire adapter
SYSFS{idVendor}=="04fa", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2490", MODE="660", GROUP="fuse"
Unplug and plug your USB adapter back in. If that doesn’t work then
check that you’re a member of the fuse
. If that still doesn’t work then try
replacing SYSFS
). For more info on udev, and for a
description of how I got udev to work with my Current Cost USB cable,
see this blog post.
Here’s a simple little Python script for logging every temperature sensor reading once a minute:
#! /usr/bin/env python
print "running..."
import ow
import time
ow.init( 'u' )
# We're accessing the 1-wire bus directly from python but
# if you want to use owserver:
# ow.init( 'localhost:3030' ) # /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -p 3030 -u -r
sensors = ow.Sensor("/").sensorList()
# We're only interested in temperature sensors so remove
# any 1-wire devices which aren't temperature sensors
for sensor in sensors[:]:
if sensor.type != 'DS18B20':
sensors.remove( sensor )
# Print column headers
for sensor in sensors:
print sensor.r_address + "\t",
print "\n",
# Print temperatures
while 1==1:
print int(time.time()), "\t",
for sensor in sensors:
print sensor.temperature, "\t",
print "\n",
And here are some handy links to the owfs documentation: owpython and owserver.
The next things to do are to connect up some more temperature sensors so I can see the temp drop across our UFH, and tinker with some graphing utilities like matplotlib and Google’s Chart Tools API; and tinker with sending data to pachube.
Update 24th Feb 2012
My owfs Python code (including code to send the data to Pachube) is now on github - please see github for the latest code.